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Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

All praises are due to Allah (SWT) for His mercies and blessings upon us and the entire humanity. May His peace and blessings be upon His Prophet and Messenger Muhammad (S.A.W.), his entire Household and Companions.

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen, Eminent Personalities here present, I am delighted to welcome you all to this auspicious, memorable and epoch making occasion of double celebration of the official Launching of our much-awaited Al-Ansar security outfit and the commissioning of our Corporate Headquarters here in the historic city of Maiduguri. It is our expectation that this event will once again bring to limelight the focus of Al-Ansar Foundation which is Service to Humanity.
  1. Your Excellency, Distinguished Personalities here present. The establishment of Al-Ansar Security Services Limited (ASSL) is a demonstration of our commitment and determination to complement government efforts in uplifting the standard of living of our societies through the creation of mass job opportunities and securing our neighborhoods for growth and development. Our thoughts were predicated upon the fact that the private sector must come in to create employment opportunities that would complement government efforts in mopping up the thousands of idle youths roaming the streets, this will assist in surmounting lingering challenges of insecurity and sluggish economic growth caused by over decade of insurgency. We are very optimistic that this security outfit will be a veritable platform for employment generation for our teaming youths. We hold a strong belief that our youths can now contribute meaningfully to the socio-economic development of our dear state and beyond by rendering services to humanity through this outfit.
  2. Your Excellency, Distinguished Invited Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. Let me once again reiterate my deepest appreciation for the overwhelming show of support, encouragement and affection the Al-Ansar Foundation have enjoyed from the People and Government of Borno State under the leadership of His Excellency, Professor Babagana Umara Zulum, mni.
  1. We equally want to seize this opportunity to appreciate and thank our dear Father, His Royal Highness, Alhaji (Dr.) Abubakar Ibn Umar Garbai El-Kanemi, (the Shehu of Borno) for his royal blessings and prayers always towards the Foundation and ASSL in particular. We want to also thank our Special Guest of Honour, Dr. Ahmed Abubakar Audi, mni the Commandant General of the NSCDC, our Guest Speaker of today’s occasion, the popular M.D. Abubakar,mni, the former IGP, Who is also the President of prestigious AANI, our technical partners Mr. Rony – the MD of Kougar Technology Solutions Limited, the Board, Management and Staff of Al-Ansar Security Services Limited (ASSL) and our gallant Guards for Humanity among others, for the advice, collaboration, commitment, patronage and support among others to the Foundation over the years.
  2. The idea of Al-Ansar Security Services Limited was not only born out of our desire to reduce unemployment, but for the obvious need to collaborate with relevant agencies of government to further strengthen the security architecture of our dear country, by ensuring safety of lives and properties and to make security available for all people, irrespective of class, ethnic, socio-economic status or religious affiliations in line with the provisions of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  1. Sequel to the Conceptualization of idea for the establishment of a robust security outfit, we folded our sleeves and went to work. First, the process of securing all approvals from relevant authorities was daunting, but with the help of Allah (SAW), and the understanding and cooperation of the NSCDC officials we were able to meet all the necessary requirements and successfully secured all approvals that gave rise to this launching today.
  2. Distinguished Personalities, Ladies and Gentlemen, Al-Ansar Security Services Limited is branded as “Guards for Humanity ” because the idea is to restore human dignity by securing lives and properties through collaborative efforts between the guards and the people.
  3. In recent times, government at all levels have been heavily burdened with tireless commitment to mitigate the effects of insecurity in our dear country and especially here in the Northern region where the rapidly escalating wave of insecurity has left many destitute, hundreds of thousands without homes and benefactors and the number of out-of-school children is alarmingly on a record high, and the uncertainties associated with a grossly inadequate security system stares us in the face on a daily bases.
  1. We, at Al-Ansar Foundation, thought that rather than sit on the fence and allow the challenges of insecurity to persist, we decided to be part of the solution by complementing governments’ efforts. This, we are doing by recruiting, training and deploying an army of highly diligent and professional young men and women. Even though, we have just began the journey, I make bold to announce that as at today we already have about one thousand (1,000) Guards successfully trained and deployed to various locations across the states of Borno, Gombe, Bauchi, Lagos and the Federal Capital territory (FCT). These landmark achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the support and guidance of relevant security agencies like the Nigerian Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC), the Nigerian Police Force, DSS among others.
  2. Your Excellency, eminent personalities, Ladies and Gentlemen, in addition to the foregoing, we are partnering with one of the best security solutions providers in Nigeria – KOUGAR Technology Solutions Limited, a reputable company and leading providers of modern security solutions which, include, CCTV surveillance; protective barriers; locks; access control; perimeter intrusion detection; deterrent systems and other systems designed to protect persons and properties. The goal is to ensure that we provide total security solutions in the business of protecting lives and properties In this country. This is the most reason why Al-Ansar Security Services Limited is different from the conventional security Guards. Our strength is the combination of technology and personnel in providing grand solution for our civil security challenges
  1. Your Excellency, eminent personalities, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, Al-Ansar Security Services Limited has already established functional offices, staff and guards in the five states mentioned earlier in addition, plans are underway to resume operation in Nasarawa, Niger, Kano, and Port-Harcourt before the second quarter of this year. InshaAllah.
  2. In this regard, the positive impacts that Al-Ansar Security Services Limited (ASSL) is expected to create in our societies are enormous, considering the number of youths that will be gainfully employed to work in various capacities. Also, those perpetrating evil and promoting insecurity in our societies will be greatly deterred by our highly motivated guards.
  3. Our aim is to expand our presence to cover the 36 States of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Insha Allah, all things being equal and with the level of request we are dealing with now, we are optimistic that Al-Ansar Security Services Limited will soon become a household name within the civil security architecture of this country. Insha Allah
  1. Our greatest asset however is you, the people of Borno state, and indeed the well-meaning people across the Federation. We therefore urged the good people of this country to join in the crusade against the major cause of insecurity in the country – unemployment by patronizing the guards for humanity. You are the reason why Al-Ansar Security Services exists today, and you can trust us to provide maximum security in your schools, homes, places of worship, electric power installations, oil and gas facilities, office complexes, and government establishments among others.
  2. Your Excellency, Distinguished Invited Guests, let me conclude this remark by once again thanking our dynamic and able Governor, for his support at all times and for kindly consenting to personally commission this edifice for use, you are most welcome my Governor.
  3. I thank you all for your attention and may Allah swt bless. Ameen