Your Royal Highness, Distinguished personalities present here today, it is a great pleasure for me and members of my entourage to have this rare opportunity of formal visit to this prestigious Palace and we thank His Royal Highness Shehu of Borno and his entire members of Emirate Council for accepting to receive us despite our short notice.
2. First and foremost, let me use this occasion to sincerely appreciate His Royal Highness for his presence and encouragement during the Ground-breaking Ceremony of our proposed Al-Ansar University Maiduguri held on 4th January 2021. Your Royal Highness, we the members of Al-Ansar Foundation cannot stop thanking you for the immerse royal prayers, support and encouragement we have received and continue to receive especially from the first day we intimated His Royal Highness with the idea of establishing first private University in the entire Kanem-Borno Empire.
3. Your Royal Highness and Eminent Personalities, we are here today for a number of reasons. One of which is to formally thank His Royal Highness for his support, guidance and prayers towards the Al-Ansar Foundation. Again, we are here to brief His Royal Highness and members of his Council on ‘Where We Are’ in our quest to complement government’s efforts at ameliorating the sufferings of the less privileged in our societies through the establishment of projects and programmes that will have direct impact on our people. We are also here today to acknowledge the strategic role His Royal Highness is playing in ensuring that insecurity and other vices is addressed to pave way to normalcy and peace in Borno State.
4. To us, this visit is historic and memorable as we are not here alone. We are here in the company of esteemed and highly revered partners from Umm Al-Qua University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia led by H.E., Prof. Dr. Hasan bin Abdul-Hamid Bukhari, an esteemed and highly sought international scholar of high repute. He is one of the Imams of Masjid Haram and Dean, Institute of Arabic Language for Non-Native Speakers, Umm Al-Qura University.
5. Your Royal Highness and Distinguished Personalities, we wish to seize this opportunity to intimate His Royal Highness and good people of Borno that our partners from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have shown keen interest in our State and it is our sincere hope that their visit to the State, will in no doubt strengthen existing relationship between the Kingdom and our dear State.
6. His Royal Highness, earlier this morning the delegation visited the permanent and temporary site of the proposed Al-Ansar University with a view to partnering/collaborating on relevant areas of mutual interest to both parties.
7. Finally, I wish to express once again our sincere thanks to His Royal Highness and everyone present here today. Your Royal Highness, we want to use this medium to request and seek your royal blessings towards the speedy development of the proposed Al-Ansar University.
8. Your Royal Highness, let me conclude this remarks by reassuring His Royal Highness of our commitment to serve the Almighty Allah through the provision of service to humanity.
9. Thank you!