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Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

2.     All praises are due to the Almighty Allah for His mercies and blessings upon us and the entire humanity. May his peace and blessings be upon His prophet and Messenger Muhammad S.A.W.

3.     I wish to start by quoting a famous hadith that says “Khairukum man Ta’allamal Qur’aana wa’allamahu” the best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it (narrated by Bukhari)

4.     Distinguished Guests and Invitees, I welcome you all. I am indeed very pleased to have you all here with us today, joining us in the inauguration of the Board of Trustees of our dignified Qur’anic Memorization School. Your presence and support gives added significance to our celebration. As we mark this extraordinary accomplishment today, I thank you all for gracing us with your presence and making it more memorable. I would also like to thank the remarkable people who have made this possible.

5.     Al-Ansar Quranic Memorization School is a centre that honours a generous exchange of knowledge, which welcomes the opportunity to learn from others. Al-Ansar Quranic Memorization School, which was formerly known as “Tamimul Dari Titahfizul Quran” commenced full operation in 2004. The growth of the school has been quite phenomenon and commendable from just 10 students to about 1800 students presently. And about 100 students successfully completed the memorization of the Holy Quran. Insha Allah, we hope to double the numbers in the nearest future.

6.     Distinguished Members and invited Guests, it is against the backdrop on how to improve on our success stories and surmount the challenges facing the School, that we deemed it fit to put proper governance structure to provide leadership direction both at Board and Management levels. The inauguration of the Board today is part of our efforts to make the School one of the Best Qur’anic Memorization Schools not only in in Borno State but in Nigeria and internationally in terms of excellence and virtues.

7.     In view of the strategic role of the school in moulding our youths with the fear of Allah (SWT), the Board shall perform the following functions in line with our policies and procedures:

  1. Develop and monitor the application of rules and regulations for the day-to-day administration of the school;
  2. Ensure standardization of the school operations;
  3. Have authority to approve hiring/dismissal of all teachers and staff and approve their duties;
  4. Prepare and approve the annual budget for the school;
  5. Organize Annual Qur’an recitation competition and quiz;
  6. Review existing plans, policies, programmes and projects currently being embarked upon by the school;
  7. Review and maintenance of records, accounts, procedures considered essentials for the success of the school, amongst other functions.

8.     Let me further reiterate that the members of the Board selected or chosen purely on merit and antecedent of track records above all your experience, expertise and dedication to the vision and mission of Al-Ansar Foundation. In light of the foregoing, distinguished Board Members, as you take up this responsibility to serve the Almighty Allah (SWT) through this privileged position, I would like to remind you that leadership position comes with duties, responsibilities and sacrifices; and I am particularly happy and delighted of your acceptance of this responsibility, which further shows your willingness to serve humanity in your various capacities.

9.     I would also like to use this opportunity to remind us of our visions of establishing this school, which are:

        (i) to provide Tahfiz education opportunities to pupils in a caring, safe and healthy environment, which promotes quality Qur’anic education based on Islamic values and beliefs.

        (ii) to deliver quality Tahfiz education grounded on Islamic principles and values, which will be affordable and accessible to all families who share and believe in these same values and principles.

10.    Distinguished Board Members, for us to achieve our Vision and Mission as enumerated above, I want you to know that you are not only expected to be good ambassadors of the School and by extension, the Al-Ansar Foundation, but you are also expected to raise and promote and project the interest and image of Al-Ansar Quranic Memorization School (AQMS) in your domain and beyond. You are also expected to use your position and connection and influence to seek for support, partnership and collaboration on how to move the AQMS to an enviable feat.

11.    In light of the foregoing and by the power vested on me as the Founder and President, I hereby dissolved all interim Board hitherto existed before now. Consequently, by this pronouncement, all teaching staff of AQMS are thereby relieved of their positions/appointments effective from 1st July 2021. However, anyone wishes to reapply is free to do so and their reappointment must be purely based on merit and qualification without any sentiment.

12.   As we look forward to receiving more novel and vigorous ideas, suggestions, recommendations from you, I have no doubt about our expectations of having a cordial working relationship with you, on this task of providing service to humanity.

13.   Distinguished guests, it is my great and singular honor and pleasure to formally inaugurate the Board of Al-Ansar Quranic Memorization School to the glory of Almighty Allah (SWT).

14.   Thank you and May Allah bless us all. Ameen