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Address by His Excellency, Prof. Babagana Umara Zulum, FNSE, mni, Executive Governor of Borno State on the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Proposed Al-Ansar University Maiduguri Borno State on 4th January 2021


Today is a momentous day for the education sector of Borno State as we are here this morning for the groundbreaking ceremony of the first private and indigenous University in Borno State and only the second private University in the North-Eastern Nigeria.

This ambitious project was singlehandedly initiated by an illustrious son of Borno who has the interest of the State at heart and is working assiduously to assist in many ways. This milestone will indeed create more windows of opportunities to our children when completed their Secondary Education and have the pre-requisite qualification to be admitted into the Institution of higher learning of their choice as we shall now have a variety of Universities in the State.

We remain eternally grateful to the Founder and President of AlAnsar Foundation Dr Mohammed Kyari Dikwa, mni, for finding Borno State worthy of all these landmark projects and appeal to other well-meaning individuals to come and invest in the State as Government is ready to provide a conducive atmosphere to all investors to operate.

We all know Dr Mohammed Kyari Dikwa, mni, as not just an illustrious son of Borno State but nationally one of the sixteen recipients of prestigious award of recognition for excellence by the Arewa Journalists Forum Awards as far back as 2018 for being the initiator of the Presidential Initiative on Continuous Audit (PICA) due to its role in the efforts and efficiency in blocking wastages and leakages in Government expenditures in the present administration of President Muhammadu Buhari.

It may be noted that this administration attaches great priority to the provision of education in general and Islamic knowledge in particular to our children and youths. Education as we all know is the bedrock of any development in any society without which no society can flourish. However, University education is also an expensive business which only the strong, nighty and committed can venture into. The education sector in general is one of the 10 pack Agenda of the present Administration in this State which we are very much committed to ensure its realization.

I wish to re-assure you therefore that Government is very much willing to support any individual or group that is willing to partner with the State Government in order to provide the much needed qualitative education to our children at all levels.

I am meant to understand that the vision of Al-Ansar University is to be a world class academic institution where faiths, innovation and service are nurtured for the advancement of human development and that the main emphasis of the University shall be the search for knowledge through teaching and research and so will be attractive to those in search for innovation ideas and services for the growth and development of the society.

I am therefore optimistic that the institution shall very well complement Government efforts in our quest to mould our children with deep appreciation and understanding of the Islamic culture and with the fear of Allah (SWT) so as to nurture them to become useful to themselves and to the society.

Let me therefore once more appeal to all well-meaning citizens of Borno State to continue to encourage our children to seek for knowledge especially Islamic knowledge so that our society shall prosper. On the part of Government, I wish to reassure every citizen of Borno State that we shall continue to strive to provide all the needed support to our children to acquire western and Islamic knowledge.

On this note, it is my singular honour and privilege to perform the groundbreaking ceremony of this important University for the sake of humanity.

Thank you and God bless.