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ADDRESS DELIVERED BY DR. M. K. Dikwa, mni, Ph.D., FCNA, FCTI, FCMA,FCPA, ACA, Founder and President of Al-Ansar Foundation on The Occasion of The Groundbreaking Ceremony of The Proposed Al-Ansar University (AUM), Maiduguri, Borno State

It is with greatest happiness and humility that I stand before you this morning to witness the Groundbreaking Ceremony of our proposed noble institution of learning THE AL-ANSAR UNIVERSITY MAIDUGURI (AUM). We shall continue to thank Almighty Allah for this unique opportunity in one’s life time.

2.         Distinguished personages, let me start by expressing our sincere appreciation to His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Borno State, Professor Babagana Umara Zulum, mni for his show of love and commitment to the Al-Ansar Foundation since its inception. The Foundation is happy and proud to identify with this kindhearted and selfless leader, a man of peace and compassion, a man that history has already vindicated, a charismatic politician, academician, and great leader whose actions have inspired the youth, women, vulnerable and impacted positively on the lives of the people of Borno State and humanity in general.

3.         Your Excellency Sir, pondering on your deeds and actions towards the proposed University in particular and Al-Ansar Foundation in general, leaves us with a feeling that indeed you are unprecedented Governor of our time in history. About a year ago when I approached His Excellency with the idea of establishing a Private University in Borno State he gave me total assurances of supporting me to realize my longstanding dream. He instantly asked me to choose a location anywhere in Borno State, subsequently the choice of this location and prompt allocation of 100 hectares of this land for the purpose of meeting one of the requirements of the National University Commission (NUC) for licensing a University. Your Excellency Sir, I therefore, on behalf of Al-Ansar Foundation wish to publicly acknowledge and appreciate your support, commitment and encouragement towards the realization of our goals.

4.         Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, the Al-Ansar Foundation is most grateful to HRH the Shehu of Borno, Emirs and other Royal Fathers for honoring our invitation to this historic event. It is my humble request that our Royal Fathers will give us the requisite moral support, prayers, advices and encouragement in establishing the first Private University in the history of Kanem Borno Empire. I want to assure our Royal Fathers that the products of this University will serve as a VACCINE for all forms of social vices not only in Borno but in the region and the entire country, In Sha Allah. 

5.         Let me use this opportunity to also commend and appreciate the efforts of our Development Partners who have either indicated interest already or willing to partner with us in the execution of this great project. Some of our associates and partners include, the Borno State Government, members of the National Assembly, the Northeast Development Commission, relevant Banks, individuals, corporate organizations, Foundations and NGOs both within and outside the shores of this country. In history, the establishment and sustenance of such a great institution was never accomplished overnight.  It requires a great deal of resources, energy, commitment and time from all stakeholders; therefore, we must be resolute, firm, and committed and guard against any form of distraction/diversion or distortion of our intent. Hence, I enjoin all our partners and associates to be focused and committed to this laudable project, as posterity will no doubt vindicate us for taking the rightful decision at this critical period in our lives, 

6.         I will not fail to appreciate members of the Project Implementation Committee (PIC), and other Committees set up under the chairmanship of Prof I. H. Marte, Chief of Staff (COS) to His Excellency, who worked tirelessly and still working hard to see to the establishment of AUM. I also want to appreciate the prominent sons and daughters of Chabbol and surrounding Villages for their warm hospitalities and support to the Al-Ansar Foundation towards the establishment of this unique University in their community.

7.         According to National Universities Commission (NUC), there are seventy-nine (79) Private Universities complementing Public Universities in Nigeria as at the middle of year 2020 and these are located as follows: 2 from North-East, 3 from North-West, 4 from FCT, 7 from North-Central, 13 from South-East, 14 from South-South, and 36 from South West. However, the combined intake of all Universities (Public and Private Universities) still leaves many eligible candidates without admission. Those that can afford to send their children to foreign Universities still do so. As you all know, education plays a major role in the growth and development of any society. It is one of the key components that can make or mar people’s cultural advancement. There is no doubt that if citizens of a society are educated, they can provide significant contributions to the advancement of their community. Therefore, the urgent need for the establishment of AUM cannot be overemphasized,

8.         When the academic structure of the proposed Al-Ansar University is fully developed, it shall have a General and Entrepreneurship Studies Unit, a School of Postgraduate Studies, a Business School, and 11 Colleges. However, it shall take-off with 2 Colleges, namely, College of Arts, Management and Social Sciences and College of Computing and Science, as well as the General and Entrepreneurship Studies Unit. When completed, the University will be committed to both Western and Islamic education in its Academic curriculum. It believes that sound education imbued with the fear of Allah (SWT) is the best weapon for turning the tide of social vices in our State, Region and indeed the Country at large. It will also focus in research and development to mark a new level of growth in the   economy, education, technical skills, innovations in science and technology, as well as create more job opportunities for our teeming population, In Sha Allah.

9.         Your Excellency, the Executive Governor of Borno State, our Royal Fathers, distinguished invited guests ladies and gentlemen. I owe you all a special debt of gratitude for honoring our invitation to this historic occasion of Groundbreaking Ceremony of the first Indigenous Private University in the history of Kanem Borno Empire and I pray to Almighty ALLAH in His infinite mercies and blessings to reward you abundantly and take you back to your respective destinations safely.

10.       May Allah bless us all, Ameen

On this note, it is my singular honour and rare privilege to humbly invite His Excellency the Executive Governor of Borno State Professor Babagana Umara Zulum,mni to deliver his address and perform the groundbreaking ceremony.

Your Excellency sir.