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Founder and President of Al-Ansar Foundation on The Occasion of The Commissioning of  Al-Ansar Radio & Television Station Maiduguri, (ARTV 96.1FM), Borno State.


All praises be to the Almighty Allah for His mercies and blessings upon us and the entire humanity. May His peace and blessings be upon His Prophet and Messenger Muhammad S.A.W.

2.         On behalf of Al-Ansar Foundation, I welcome His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Borno State, Professor Babagana Umara Zulum, mni, to the official commissioning of the Al-Ansar Radio and Television (ARTV) which signposts our commitment in complementing the developmental strides of His Excellency in our dear State. Your Excellency, we are delighted once again to have your gracious presence at this historic event. As you all know, this is the 3rd event His Excellency will be performing today for the Al-Ansar family. Thank you, Sir.

3.         We are equally grateful to our Royal Fathers, eminent personalities, Colleagues, Development Partners and our Invited Guests here in our midst. Your honoring of our invitation today signifies your firm belief and conviction in the Vision and Mission of Al-Ansar Foundation and also a clear demonstration of lending your support in our attempt to complementing His Excellency’s efforts in bringing lasting peace and harmony to the people of Borno State and beyond, Insha Allah!

4.         Your Excellency, our Royal Fathers, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, in the last couple of years the Foundation has modestly committed resources in the areas of humanitarian support, information technology, healthcare services and education to vulnerable and less privileged members of our societies in our quest to serve humanity. Therefore, the commissioning of the Al-Ansar Radio & TV on 96.1FM today is not only historic but yet another milestone in our desire to give back to the society in our own little way.  This day marks the beginning of a new chapter in our determination to render retinue of selfless services to humanity through this radio hence it is dedicated as ‘VOICE FOR HUMANITY’.

On behalf of Al-Ansar family, I humbly request you all to join us on this journey to alleviate the sufferings of our people by supporting this Radio Station through patronage and offering of useful suggestions to our Board, Management and Staff for the benefit of our people.

5.         Your Excellency, our Royal Fathers, distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen may I crave your kind indulgence to emphasize on some of the notable objectives for establishing this Radio Station, which I believe would serve as a guide to all our stakeholders and the general public. They include mainly: –

i.          to support the state government’s efforts towards bringing lasting peace, harmony, tranquility and development to our State, Region and the Nation by airing deliberate programmes that would support peace building process.

ii.         to educate, enlighten and inform the general public on the principles of decency, moral behaviour and divine guidance;

iii.        to promote programmes that would economically empower the vulnerable and less-privileged in our society;

iv.        to propagate programmes that would promote diversification of the State’s economy such as agriculture, solid minerals, tourism, hospitality, water resources among others; and

v.         in pursuance of these objectives, we shall operate strictly within the confines of the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) Act as well as norms and culture of the Borno people and beyond.

6.         Without mincing words, I would like to use this medium to solicit for support and collaboration from all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in the State to kindly patronize the Station for your publicity of daily Government activities. This Station is yours and established specifically to support the developmental strides of the Government both at Federal, State and Local levels.

7.         Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, before I conclude this address, I must say that radio services can be used as a vital link to information and can impact positively on the security and welfare of the citizens.  Through proper and effective information dissemination, our people would understand and appreciate the efforts and roles of government at all levels. The Al-ansar Radio Station will boost the economic activities of the State for different sectors through broadcasting of relevant programs and activities. I want to assure all our stakeholders that this significant landmark we are celebrating today will propagate ideals of good governance and virtues, so that the lost glories of the State, the Home of Peace, Hospitality, prayers and scholarship for which Borno State was known for decades would be rekindled and restored, In-Sha Allah!

8.         Thank you for your attention. May Allah SWT bless the people of Borno.

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, on this note, it is my singular honour and rare privilege to humbly invite His Excellency the Executive Governor of Borno State Professor Babagana Umara Zulum,mni to deliver his address and commission the Al-Ansar Radio And Television Station, Maiduguri, Borno State.

Your Excellency sir!