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Founder and President of  Al-Ansar Foundation on The Occasion of The Commissioning of Al-Ansar Academy Maiduguri, (ALAAMA), Borno State


  1. All praises be to Almighty Allah for His mercies and blessings upon us and the entire humanity. May His peace and salutation be upon His Prophet and Messenger Muhammad S.A.W. Our Lord give us the best in this world and the best in the hereafter and save us from the torment of Hell.

2. First, I would like to start by expressing our warmest appreciation to His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Borno State, Professor Babagana Umara Zulum, mni, for performing the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the first Private University in Borno State earlier this morning. The need to fill the educational gaps in our region goes to the heart of Al-Ansar Foundation’s Mandate and Vision. I am therefore delighted to welcome His Excellency and officials of his government, our colleagues, friends and invited guests for attending the commissioning of this auspicious project THE AL-ANSAR ACADEMY MAIDUGURI [ALAAMA].

3.         I would like to also thank all our eminent Royal Fathers, Religious Leaders, Parents, Teachers, Students and Pupils for honouring our invitation today. We are indeed overwhelmed and honoured by your esteemed presence here. For me, there is always something thrilling about being part of a progressive educational system; and this event is truly historical. I have no doubt that as we witness the official commissioning of this institution for the education of our children, in many years to come, posterity shall be kind to us for this laudable Project In-Sha Allah!

4.         Before I go further, permit me to use this opportunity to commend and encourage our esteemed Governor, His Excellency, Professor Babagana Umara Zulum, mni. Not only has the Governor devoted himself wholeheartedly in serving our people and offering such inspirational leadership, but he has proven himself repeatedly as dynamic leader with a vision of alleviating the sufferings of our people and improving their standard of living.

5.         Some of the notable milestones of His Excellency include the provision of basic social services; ensuring the security of lives and properties; youth and women empowerment, poverty reduction; job and wealth creation; massive reconstruction; rehabilitation and resettlement of our Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) scattered within and beyond the shores of Nigeria; his passion for the welfare of teachers and renovations of schools as well as rapid improvement in the health sector just to mention but a few. These are rare traits that pragmatic leaders world-over possess and Alhamdulillah, that with the ceaseless encomiums showered on the person of His Excellency by Nigerians and those in diaspora, indeed the much talked about ‘Borno Shall Rise Again’ would come to fruition in no distant future under his leadership.

6.         Again, we are overwhelmed by His Excellency’s bold and articulated steps in coming up with a 25-year Development Plan with 10-year strategic priority plan, aimed at enhancing rapid growth, development and restoring the age-old honour, dignity and prosperity of Borno State, by ensuring that all citizens and future generations have access to basic necessities while thriving to achieve their potentials in all sectors. On the premise of His Excellency’s priorities and encouragement and the need to uphold our Vision and Mission, the Al-Ansar Foundation sees education as a veritable and potent tool for socio-economic and Cultural transformation of our dear state, in spite of the devastating and ravaging effects of insurgency in recent years. We are confident that through this project we shall change the narratives of the State, In-sha Allah.

7.         Given the unpreceded achievements recorded under His Excellency’s leadership in the last one and half years, it is evident that he has restored confidence and trust of the citizenry on governance, hence it is imperative to mobilize friends and associates both within and outside the country to invest in Borno State. For those of us, who have the interest of the state at heart, we shall do everything within our legitimate means to mobilize resources, investors and relevant skills for the development of our dear state with a view to restoring its lost glory back to “the Home of Peace, Hospitality and Prayers”. You have done well; you have made us proud and we, the indigenes of Borno State are proud of you. May Almighty Allah continue to guide, bless and protect you in steering the affairs of our state and beyond. Ameen.

8.       The Al-Ansar Academy is designed to provide a safe and conducive learning environment for pupils and students with a blend of Western and Islamic education.The school is consisting of administrative block, a staff room, sickbay, security office and restrooms amongst others. To ensure the sustainability of the school in delivering high-quality education, we hired best staff and teachers within the state and beyond and have developed standard curriculum in line with the requirements of local and national educational regulations. We have also introduced technology induced lessons to enhance the pupils/students’ learning potentials that would deliver outstanding results for their parents/guardians.

9.       I wish to conclude this speech by appealing to everyone present here to see the school as ‘his/her own’. To this end, we seek your patronage and welcome useful suggestions, comments and recommendations that will improve the school’s standards at all times.

10.       Your Excellency, the Executive Governor of Borno State, our Royal Fathers, Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, I thank you all for honouring our invitation.

11.       May Allah SWT bless us all ameen

12. On this note, it is my singular honour and rare privilege to humbly invite His Excellency the Executive Governor of Borno State Professor Babagana Umara Zulum, mni to deliver his address and commission the academy.

Your Excellency sir!