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AL-Ansar Foundation’s Founder/President Leads Delegation to Nile University on Experience Sharing Tour

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Delegation from Al-Ansar Foundation paid a visit to Nile University on the 25th July, 2020 on an experience sharing tour.
The team, which was led by the Founder and President, Dr. Mohammed Kyari Dikwa, mni, was accompanied by members of the Planning and Implementation Committee (PIC) of the proposed Al-Ansar University, Maiduguri.

The delegation was welcomed by the University’s Vice-Chancellor (Prof. Usman Nuri Aras), Registrar (Mr Yasar Aktekin), and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academics (Prof. Abdurrahman Isik), among others.

The two teams exchanged pleasantries, which was followed by a brief introduction from each member of both teams, after which Dr. Dikwa expressed delight for the warm reception accorded and stated that the reason for the visit was to formally express to the University the Foundation’s intention to establish Al-Ansar University in Maiduguri.

According to Dr. Dikwa, Nile University ranks amongst the foremost Universities in Nigeria and indeed, Sub-Saharan Africa as an academic institution with intellectually stimulating environment and excellent facilities for learning, research and innovation. He added that it was for these reasons the Foundation deemed such visit necessary in order to tap into Nile University’s wealth of experience in the educational sector to establish a successful University.

Dr. Dikwa also reiterated the planned University’s readiness to maintain cordial relations and partner with Nile University in the areas of Academic Cooperation, Research Partnerships, and also Staff and Student exchange programmes.

Responding to Dr. Dikwa’s comments, Prof. Aras expressed his delight as the Foundation’s choice of Nile University as a worthy option to model the proposed Al-Ansar University after, and promised to offer all necessary support to make the proposed University not only a reality but a successful undertaking. At the end of the meeting, the Nile University team gave the Foundation’s delegation a tour of the Nile Campus.