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    All praises are due to Allah (SWT) for His mercies and blessings upon us and the entire humanity. May His peace and blessings be upon His Prophet and Messenger Muhammad (S.A.W.), his Household and Companions.
  1. Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of the Al-Ansar Foundation, it is my pleasure and singular honour to be in this auspicious occasion and in the midst of renowned and erudite academic scholars, traditional chieftains, exalted public servants, businessmen and well-meaning relatives, friends, well-wishers across the nation who are here to rejoice with us on this special occasion.
  2. Let me use this medium to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to our father, mentor, a venerable person, His Excellency, Prince Bola Ajibola, SAN, the University Governing Board, Senate, Management and Students of Crescent University for conferring on me and my colleagues this Honoris Causa (Doctorate Degree) which automatically enlists us into the exclusive circle of Crescent Men and Women of Honour. I am indeed deeply touched by this singular act of gesture for which I have never envisaged. It is truly an honour done not only to me but to Al-Ansar Foundation in general.
  3. It all started a few months ago with a correspondence from this prestigious institution, informing me of my nomination for an award of Doctor of Science (DSC) Honoris Causa in recognition of my humble contributions in the service of my fatherland as a public servant and to the growth of education in the country. This has once again reaffirmed my faith in Nigeria and the future of our education and I strongly believe that the task of service to the nation is a collective one and a worthwhile responsibility. Any opportunity given to us, we must endeavour to do our best towards a better society.
  4. Your Excellences, Eminent Scholars, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, I am extremely happy and proud to be associated with this prestigious University, especially on the momentous occasion of its 12th and 13th Convocation Ceremony as one of Nigeria’s finest faith-based privately owned co-education University. On behalf of other recipients, I am glad that today we are being recognized for our humble efforts in serving our great nation and humanity in general. This singular act will motivate us to do more and will help to inspire the younger generations willing to make name in the service of their motherland.
  5. I am equally proud to be associated with the relentless efforts of the institution in producing some of the best brains that have made their contributions to the socio-economic and political development of our dear nation, which has made Crescent University to become a breeding ground for academic and moral excellence worthy of emulation. Hence, it is our profound gratitude to Almighty Allah that we are celebrating yet another Convocation of this great institution with the hope that the graduands would enter into the wider society exhibiting the moral principle and academic excellence upon which they have been nurtured.
  6. Indeed, today marks another very important milestone in the exciting journey of this University with pride and glory for all graduands, parents, family members, friends and well-wishers as well as our dear nation and the continent at large. Graduands, having come this far, I must congratulate you and charge you to be worthy ambassadors of Crescent University wherever you may find yourself in your future endeavours.
  7. Your Excellences, Distinguished personalities here present, the importance and contributions of education to national development cannot be over-emphasized. Education is a critical sector in any nation building. Being a major investment in human capital development, it plays a strategic role in long-term productivity and growth at both micro and macro levels. Education also plays a pivotal role in developing a country in every aspect, be it social, cultural or moral development. Therefore, you would all agree with me that, a nation develops in relation to its achievement in education. This explains why any serious minded country that wishes to develop in the real sense of it, first and foremost, must develop its educational sector. Education, in the life of a nation, is the life wire of its industries and the foundation of moral regeneration and revival of its people. It is also the force and bulwark of any nation’s defence and it has been observed that no nation rises above the level of its education.
  8. Furthermore, education plays a pivotal role in fostering peace, unity and prosperity among the people of a nation. It has been well established that most of the social disorders being witnessed in our societies today are traceable to lack of proper and quality education. It is against this backdrop that Al-Ansar Foundation consciously made education as one of its cardinal objectives. Education built with the fear of Allah SWT remains the cornerstone of our existence. There is the need for more commitment by all tiers and levels of governments as well as other stakeholders across the country to enhance the level of education.
  9. Al-Ansar Foundation has ventured into the establishment of educational institutions to bridge the waxing gap in education in Borno state, the region and beyond. In this regard, the proposed Al-Ansar University Maiduguri will be the first of its kind to be established in the entire Kanem-Borno Empire and will be third in the entire North-East region. It is our firmed belief and conviction that when AUM finally takes off it will be one of the best Universities not only in the North-East region but in the entire country. We are determined to build an institution where teaching of moral rites, values and characters are held in highest esteem, in replication of what Crescent University is doing in this part of the country. For this reason, we are determined and ready to partner with Crescent University in ensuring that the goals and aspirations of both institutions are attained. In the same vain, we are equally soliciting for the support, collaboration and partnership of well-meaning and spirited individuals, corporate organizations and government agencies towards the development of the proposed University.
  10. In conclusion, may I commend all parents and guardians here for the sacrifices undertaken to support the education of these brilliant young men and women. Once again, I must commend the University Administration for the hardwork, dedication and sacrifice put into, yet again, another very successful and remarkable convocation ceremony. And last but not the least, I dedicate this Doctor of Science Degree (Honoris Causa of the Crescent University bestowed upon me today, to those that have believed in me over the years, those whom without their support and prayers, I would not be here today receiving this award. May Almighty Allah bless and reward the Proprietor, Council, Management, Staff, Students and indeed the graduands for honouring us today.
  11. Thank you all and God bless!

Long live Crescent University!

Long live Ogun State!
Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria!